This is perfect, I gotta story written already.
This is perfect, I gotta story written already.
Cool we were just freestylin to this one.
If Bill had researched a little better he'd have my vote, and nobody give me that same ole' "Senator has nothing research but a few songs" bullshit. I mean research, when you have actual time to research an opponent unlike a freestyle battle, there is no reason on this Earth that Bill couldn't have thrown in a lot more personals just by doing what I did. Taking 5 minutes to make a few clicks, and research. As well as Mr. John Dean could have had so much more stuff to use if he had researched harder. I mean, you found his Facebook and stuff, that's good, but like I said.. Just by a few simple clicks, I literally have stumbled onto enough personals to be able to throw a valid diss at Bill for 32 straight bars. 1 personal punch each bar.
My point being, John had more personals that hit harder in my opinion. I'm not trying to be biased at all, cause Bill did throw in some valid punches and good personal disses but John Dean had a lot more. I'm not saying that I can do better vs. either of you myself, I'm just saying, I could definitely fill up a couple books on some embarrassing bullshit you've all done.
However, as much as I truly want to vote for the Senator here, that would be like me lying to him just cause I like him better and don't wanna piss him off, as to where Kill Bill can eat my cocksauce for all I care.
I'm sorry but I have to give this one a tie, and beg you all to go back and do a rematch. This could have been so much more "exposing" than it was, for both sides.
I loves you lots. HUGS.
Pelvis in hug or pelvis out hug? LMAO Let's COLLAB SOMETIME!!!!!
I'm lovin this for real.
Cool back to the old stuff
Nice to see you in it this year. Good luck, nice track!
Smart not to mention me.
thank you so much for listening
God bless :D
Well done Senator.
Didn't they unban you and re-upload all your stuffs after the redesign?
ummm...idk o.o
Fuck your life.
Hazard, KY
Joined on 11/27/11